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Campus Tour

We prepared a video preview of the Bread Springs Day School campus just for you. Take this quick tour of our safe learning environment and discover some of the engaging and exciting student spaces awaiting you on day one. Click on the video presentation to the right and join students inside classrooms, down hallways and onto the playground.



  • It’s Exercising with Your Child Week

    Mother playing with daughter on the playground.

    Exercising with your child offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, fostering a healthier lifestyle for the entire family.

  • National Back-to-School Prep Day

    Young boy smiling at the camera in a classroom.

    The Bureau of Indian Education is committed to providing every student with a culturally relevant, high-quality education.

  • National Book Lovers Day

    Mother reading to her son while he sits on her lap.

    Reading is a cornerstone of a child's development, fostering cognitive growth, language skills and emotional intelligence.

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