FACE Program
Bread Springs Day School - FACE Program
The Family and Child Education program was established in 1990 to support caregivers and their children throughout prenatal and early childhood ages. Continued education is the most valuable resource for the development of any community, and it prevents any learning gaps between the generations. FACE teaches parents/guardians how to prepare their children for school, as well as prepare themselves for job placement.
Parents/guardians are a child’s first and most influential teachers, and with the FACE program’s support, they equip students with the necessary skills and maturity to attend school. Household literacy is a primary goal of the FACE program, fostering academic achievement and improving overall performance. Enhancing family literacy gives parents/guardians the ability to raise their children in a progressive home learning environment and prepare them for success in school.
FACE provides parents and children with the necessary training and education needed for career advancement, as well as academic achievement. Parents/guardians seeking a general education diploma or career training can apply for the FACE program’s educational services. There are also various preschool skill sets that will ensure students are ready for kindergarten, and academic support services for students through third grade.
The FACE program is beneficial for helping parents/guardians identify any special needs that their child might have. The earlier these special needs are identified, the more advanced a child will be when they start school. The overall education, training, and preparation of children and parents/guardians make the FACE program a valuable asset to our families.