
Meals at Bread Springs Day School
Meal Cost
Schools are reimbursed for meals provided to students by the USDA. Parents, staff, and all other visitors are required to pay for their meals.
Cafeteria Rules
The following are Bread Springs Day School cafeteria rules:
- Follow all school rules.
- Always model good behavior.
- Tea, sodas, sports drinks, or energy drinks are prohibited. Only bottled water, milk, and juice that the school serves from the cafeteria line are allowed.
- All electronic devices must be out of sight.
- Remove all headgear before entering.
- Enter from the designated entrance.
- Jumping ahead in the food line is prohibited.
- Horseplay (for example, shoving, running, shouting, fighting, throwing food) is prohibited.
- Clean your eating area after use.
- Remove all trash (for example, gum, paper) from trays and dispose in designated trash cans.