Health Services

Health Services at Bread Springs Day School
Bread Springs Day School strives to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment that enables students to thrive. Our dedicated staff prioritizes and closely monitors the well-being of each student. With our commitment to excellence in health services, we ensure that students receive the highest standard of care.
If a student becomes ill during class, our teachers and staff provide quick and appropriate care. Parents and guardians are immediately contacted regarding their child’s condition so arrangements can be made for pick-up. We also work closely with local emergency services to ensure a swift and coordinated response to any medical crisis.
Arrangements must be made with Bread Springs Day School staff and a medication form must be completed before any medication(s) can be administered to a student. We believe in a collaborative approach to our health services. Maintaining open lines of communication with parents/guardians helps promote a safe and healthy learning environment for all students.
Bread Springs Day School also has a full-time counselor on staff to help students deal with any personal stress, anxiety, trauma, or other special needs. We're here to support your child's overall well-being, which includes their physical, mental, social, and emotional health. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our health services, please do not hesitate to contact us at 505-778-5411.